Tips for Selecting Weather & Emergency Alerts

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If you already read our Weather & Emergency Alerts for Texans with Disabilities, you know there are many ways to get alerts. So how do you decide which ones are right for you? Below are some tips.

Start at the Beginning

The first thing to figure out is what your options are in different situations. This could include considerations like:

  • what’s available
  • your preferences
  • accessibility
  • at home vs. on the go
  • budget
  • the potential scenario of sustained power outages

For example, if your community doesn’t have an Accessible Hazard Alert System, then that’s not in the mix for you. Or, maybe you always have your cell phone with you, so you prefer alerts sent via text and push notification. Determine what will work for you, what your options are, and then narrow it down from there.

Cover Your Bases

Make sure you are set up to receive both weather and emergency alerts. Some – but not all – of the options available will provide both types of alerts. For example, Wireless Emergency Alerts cover weather warnings, but not weather advisories or weather watches; and a weather app may cover all of the weather-related alerts. You can decide to get your alerts from a source that covers both, or you can mix-and-match sources that provide one or the other. The important thing is that you get both.

Be Redundant

It may be a good idea to receive alerts from two different sources. This is known as redundant alerts. When an alert is sent, it’s possible that – due to weather, power outages, etc. – you won’t receive it. Getting redundant alerts decreases the likelihood you’ll miss an alert that could have life-saving information.

Notifications: On

You could have a great system in place, but if things aren’t set up the right way, you might not get the alerts you need to prepare and stay safe. Make sure everything you have to receive emergency communications will work effectively and allow notifications from the sources you chose.

See our Weather & Emergency Alerts for Texans with Disabilities for information about alerts that can help you stay informed.


Updated: March 25, 2024
Publication Code: DPR13

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Disclaimer: Disability Rights Texas strives to update its materials on an annual basis, and this handout is based upon the law at the time it was written. The law changes frequently and is subject to various interpretations by different courts. Future changes in the law may make some information in this handout inaccurate.

The handout is not intended to and does not replace an attorney’s advice or assistance based on your particular situation.

To request this handout in ASL, Braille, or as an audio file, contact us.

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